Air conditioning maintenance and tune-up in Cape Coral and Fort Myers, Fl.
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AC Maintenance in in Cape Coral, Ft Myers, Naples | Lee , Charlotte and Collier Counties

Routine air conditioning maintenance, or also called a tune-up, is the key to prolong the life of your AC unit. Air conditioning systems always seem to break down when the weather is extremely warm, usually when it is working as hard as it can and when you need it most. In southwest Florida, that is pretty much all of the time. A Southwest Heating and Cooling Maintenance Program will help avoid breakdowns plus it protects and prolongs the life of your equipment.

An air conditioner's filters, coils, and fins require regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases. When not kept in shape, even the best heating/cooling system can cost you by wasting energy. How much? Depending on how you heat and cool your home and the climate of the area you live in, clogged filters, dirty thermostats, sooty flues, leaky ductwork, and un-lubricated fan motors can reduce heating and cooling efficiency by up to 25 percent!

The average lifespan of condensers/air handlers is 8 to 12 years. That being said, would you purchase a new car and not maintain it? The same runs true with any kind of mechanical apparatus. All have parts which need to be kept clean and free of debris, Freon or charge levels must be checked, damaged parts must be repaired/replaced as needed as failure to do so will reduce the lifespan of the unit. This website wrote an article about how long does freon last in an air conditioner.

Some customers believe that because it is a new unit and has a 5 to 10 year warranty on parts, why should I pay to have it maintained? The answers are simple, because:

  • Labor to correct/replace failed parts does not carry a 10 year warranty.
  • With a semi-annual preventative maintenance plan, customers of Southwest Heating and Cooling pay less for parts not under warranty.
  • Preventative maintenance reduces the likelihood that a major failure will occur unexpectedly. Likewise, should the need for repair become evident, it may be scheduled at your convenience (within business hours). Preventative maintenance does not guarantee you won’t have a failure at the most inopportune time, but failure to do so far increases your risk of the same.

 Maintenance Contracts * Priority Emergency Service * Discount on All Repairs

Maintenance Contracts – Two maintenance calls each year at six month intervals or as close to that as possible depending on your time here. Purpose: to inspect and advise you of any needed repair (no repairs are made without your approval), to prevent breakdown and maintain efficiency. Our inspections and checks include the following:

  • Test starter capabilities
  • Test safety controls
  • Tighten electrical connections
  • Measure volts/amps
  • Lubricate moving parts
  • Adjust thermostat calibration
  • Rinse condenser coil
  • Clean condensate drains
  • Measure temperature difference
  • Repair or replace broken armaflex
  • Visual inspection of ductwork
  • Tighten screws in cabinet
  • Secure thermostat wire to lines
  • Adjust operating pressure

maintenance air conditioning tune up Cape Coral, Fl

Before Coil Cleaning


After Coil Cleaning


If you have any questions on our maintenance contracts please reach out to our staff.


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